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MR1. Camera can detect fires within a visible range, and is able to be manually panned by operator.


MR2. The device will connect to the internet wirelessly and then send an image of potential fires to local and cloud data storage.


MR3. Detection devices can find flames during low-light and nighttime situations.


MR4. Website will display detected wildfire image and data.


MR5. Data will be stored locally on the device, as well as cloud storage.


MR6. Device needs to be set-up during deployment and calibrated, and the hibernation period may be adjusted by the user.




ER1. Device can detect fires that take up at least 5% of the total image in low-light and nighttime situations. (MR1, MR3)


ER2. Device can send an image to the website in under 60 seconds. (MR2)


ER3. Website will integrate and display the image and data in under 60 seconds. (MR4)


ER4. Manual panning will have a maximum network latency of 3 seconds. (MR1)


ER5. Using a 15 minute hibernation period (adjustable by user), the device will run on its battery for 2 weeks. (MR6)


ER6. Device will store the past images locally. (MR5)

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