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The New Standard
in Fire Detection


With the constant threat of wildfires, the need for immediate and efficient detection methods is only increasing.


Our proposed project will use cameras and automatic image

processing to detect potential wildfires and send those images to personnel for decision making.


Our project, branded as “acreFree”, will improve detection efficiency by taking many camera feeds and extracting only a handful of images with potential fires for personnel to review, which

reduces the number of human observers needed.

acreFree Devices

 acreFree will begin by designing and building a few devices that each have a camera, an array of sensors, and on-board image processing capability that can determine whether there is a wildfire and connecting these devices to a network. If a potential fire is detected, the device will send the image and notification to a website and display the information on a wildfire monitoring webpage where personnel can review the information for decision making.


    Using our proposed automatic wildfire detection system and network infrastructure, future deployments can scale to utilize hundreds of cameras with 24-hour monitoring over large areas of interest using less personnel who can spend more time on decision making, instead of watching camera feeds needed in traditional systems.

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